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Absence action to count specific number of occurences over a certain period

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 4 replies


I would like your help to solve one of our customers requirement on follow up on sickleave.

The requirement is that they to want get an alert if the employee reach 3 or more sickleave-occurences over a period of 6 months. They also want another alert if the employe passes 6 times over a 12 month period.


I have tried to solve this with an absence function:

RYEAR - Occurrence count control

1: 1 - on, 0 - off; 
2: value, 
3: unit (1 - months, 2 - weeks, 3 - years); 
4: occurrence limit; 
5: employee value exception; 
6: action triggered after limit; 
7: action end day value; 
8: total days display unit (1 - calendar days, 0 - working days).

I tried this formula 1;6;1;3;;3/6;;1, but I don’t get any action triggered when I register three or more sickleave periods on the employee.

Here are the set up for Absence Actions


And the set up of functions on the Absence Group for Sickleave (SJUK)

Does any of you have any suggestion on how to solve this? Maybe you have got the same requirement or similar before? 

I have tried this so far in Aurena Cloud but also need it to work in IEE uppd 9.

Best regards, Josefin

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Shehan Almeida
Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 270 replies
  • July 22, 2021

Hi Josefin,


I am not sure how to use Absence Group Function for this, since I have not used it.


However, I think you can try using Time Balances and Reconciliations also for this.


In time balances you have to option to generate balances when they reach the maximum and minimum limits. 





You can create two balance ID for 3 months and 6 months scenarios. 


Using balance reconciliation function you can control the periods for both as well.


Activation of the below event will generate the emails




Hope this helps. 


Shehan Almeida.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 4 replies
  • August 17, 2021

Hello Shehan,

Thank you for your respons, I will test if this will solve the issue.

Br, Josefin

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