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  • August 6, 2024
  • 1 reply

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 7 replies


I’m working with the PDF_REPORT_CREATED in IfsCloud (23R2). There is a Parameter USER_MOBILE_PHONE that fetch value defined in UserProperties “MOBILE_PHONE”.

In app9 we could edit/add the value in “User Properties” - window. 



Where can I find similar window in IFS Cloud? How can I add/modify mobile phone for a User?

The vaule is visible (if exists) in User Settings, but it is impossible to edit.

The value can be added in by a function, but how can we do it in Application?  

Fnd_User_API.Set_Property(‘xxxx’, 'MOBILE_PHONE' , '(+00) 11 22 33 44 55' );


Br. Barbara

1 reply

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 260 replies
  • August 10, 2024

I’ve been looking at this, and I think this functionality is now deprecated in IFS Cloud, at least in terms of UI.


The property values for SMTP_MAIL_ADDRESS and preferred language are now straight present on the user management page, and there’s no way to access the property page.


You still have the Mobile for User present in your profile, but I have found no way to populate this so far:




Also, I thought you could just maybe create a Custom Projection for the FndUserProperty entity, and then create a custom page and list to access it, but it turns out you can’t really because FndUserProperty is set as exclusion from Configuration:



Because it’s excluded, it doesn’t show up in the List of available entities when trying to create a custom projection, so you can’t even bypass that and recreate your own UI for it.


I’m still at a loss of how to even populate this User Mobile number unless you call it through API like you said.


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