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field read only


Good evening everyone,

can we create a read-only field for a field that is in a list?

6 replies

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 250 replies
  • February 8, 2024

Hi @maryadu28 


I’m not sure the context of what you are describing, but yes, you can add a custom field to a list in IFS Cloud. You would need to find the entity you would like to add this to (the entity that the list is comprised of) and the value that you’d like to have the read only field contain since read only fields in IFS are essentially SQL select statements. From there, you would create a custom field on the entity you want it to display on, approve/publish the entity config, and add the field to the list via page designer.


If you mean read only as in not editable, then yes this is also possible.



  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Hello , 
thank you for your reply. I'd like to explain that I've created a read-only field that should retrieve a list from another Lu, and it doesn't work, so I wondered if it was possible to create a read-only field that retrieves a list. 

Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • February 9, 2024

@maryadu28  a custom field can display one value only. So you can’t really make it show a list with a few lines.

What could be done tough is to use the LISTAGG function → this way your list will all be aggregated into a string and that you can show in IFS.

See more details on the LISTAGG function below:

Oracle LISTAGG: Transform Multiple Rows into a Formatted List of Values (

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Thank you very much for your reply,
I am trying to retrieve the eur_3285_risque list from another lu list. I used listag as indicated and when I display the field in question it is empty. 


Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • February 9, 2024

@maryadu28  probably you have a custom page/ custom api.

If you have access to a PL/SQL client, please make sure this works in SQL with hardcoded values first. IF you have no access to PL/SQL you could try to puth the SQL statement in a Quick Report to see the outcome.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • February 12, 2024

Hello Marcell, 
Thank you for your reply. I couldn't test the quick report query because I can't find my personalized Lu.
I'll explain what I want to do:
I've created a field in the functionale object screen that should contain a list of data with a customer addresseid column (this list depends on a personalized entity found in the customer screen). The goal is to link this list to the address addressid in the location field of the functionale object.
I tried the read only field, but it didn't work. I tried the reference field with filtering, but it didn't work because you can't filter a custom field.

here is the list I need to retrieve from the customer screen:

in the functional object screen, the list should display the list according to the idaddress, but it doesn't work 


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