I have browsed the forums with little to no luck to the answer for my question.
There are similiar questions regarding the setup of the work center.
We are using IFS Cloud.
My question is related to the set up of a work centers and the resources within the machine group.
In the resource structure we have assigned as follows:
Testing EQ1
Functional Test 1
Functional Test 2
Programming 1
Programming 2
Programming 3

All these are in the same work center.
Could I route a product to certain resources or is there a limitation to just a “work center”.
Whereas I would like to add specific products that are routed through different machines, but are physically in the same location.
Furthermore, could I limit the capacity basis for the resources as they are a multiple of each resource.
Whereas this setup says that I could plan for 96 hours per day, which is inaccurate in regard to shift levels currently. ( although the machines are available for that period ). Just a tip is appreciated.