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Condition Code vs W/D/R or something else

  • September 27, 2022
  • 4 replies

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 8 replies

Hi, I have a site that make heavily configurable parts. They have separate part codes for each configuration. Slight variations. On the odd occasion they want to swap the part at the end to another part code on the shop order.

This works when adding parts. Receive it in, issue it to the next one and add the additional parts to the material list.

So they dont lose reported labour they want to receive the part into stock and issue it to another shop order effectively swapping the part number. However receiving the original part on the original shop order into inventory has risk as they have unissued some component parts and what they are receiving into stock isnt really what it says it is a parts removed.

Would you receive it in using W/D/R or condition codes to highlight the fact that it does not conform to the the part received? or cancel all the shop order and start again, would be shame to lose all the labour reporting in cancelling. 

4 replies

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

I think receiving the part with a W/D/R No is a good idea if it is missing some components and hence, is deviating from a normal part´. You can combine it with an Availability Control if you need to ensure this part is not used for any other purpose by mistake.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 8 replies
  • September 27, 2022

Would you normally have a W/D/R number generated outside if IFS or would you use a MRB number or something?

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

It doesn’t have to be an actual number. Can also be a short text describing the deviation.

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • September 27, 2022
Burt84 wrote:

Would you normally have a W/D/R number generated outside if IFS or would you use a MRB number or something?

If you need to further document inspection or details related to the part, you can use the MRB case to hold the details.  Otherwise, it can be just a note or word or -1, -2, etc



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