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Absence: Consuming Previous Year's Vacation


Dear IFS Community,


currently, we have a problem with our HR Time Management in IFS APPS 10 Update 12.


If e.g. an employee in current year has 13 days of vacation left from previous year (PY) and wants to consume 8 days of them in current year, IFS seems to handle this randomly.


Sometimes, it works as desired: The 8 days are subtracted from Vacation PY.

But in many cases, the reduction seems to be distributed over PY and current year.


Please see the following example:





This is how we have entered the absences:




As you can see, we’ve cancelled and re-entered the 2x 4 days. This sometimes helps and sometimes it does not.

Does anyone of you know what goes wrong here?


Are there any known issues or are doing something wrong?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!







2 replies


Hi @stephan.lueck ,

Please try to add the Limit Manual Order in Absence configuration window. 

For this you can go to Absence configuration window > select the Absence group > Go to Absence limit type > go to column Limit Manual  Order

Absence types with limits which should be automatically used when registering an absence can be define here. Absence types are separated by semi-colons and in the exact order in which the limits should be used at absence registration. This option will only be available if Manual is selected as the limit allocation order.

Here you can define what is the Absence type application should consider first when generating absence. 

Ex : Employee has 4 days of PY Vacation, 12 days limit for VACATION. You need to utilize PY vacation 4 days first then define PY Vacation;VACATION in the column Limit Manual  Order

Please note this will applicable for all employees.


Thanks & Best Regards,


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • May 17, 2022

Dear Nayomi,


thank you very much for your help!


I’ll discuss your proposal with our HR and give you feedback as soon as possible.


Thanks again,






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