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Delivery Address on a Project

  • 14 November 2022
  • 2 replies

  • Do Gooder (Customer)

Hello :) Does anyone know if there is a way to set a delivery address on a project so that it does not take the default customer address?

Ushan Senarath
Hero (Employee)

Hi @AbbyS,


You can use addresses tab in Project screen to fulfil your requirement.

The project specific addresses are registered in the Project / Address tab. Project addresses can only belong to the Delivery and Visit types. The Delivery type addresses defined in the project will be used specifically in the purchase orders and purchase reports as delivery addresses. 


Use Help document for more information on this. Refer to the below link,


Hope this answers your question. If so, be kind enough to mark it as the best answer.


Best regards,


  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • November 14, 2022

@Ushan Senarath Thank you for your answer. I just wanted to provide a bit more context on why I asked this question and maybe updating the address on the tab would solve this but we ran into an issue where the default address on our customer had different tax codes than the delivery address. We thought that by updating the delivery address on the project invoice that this would change the tax codes on the invoice but it seemed to take the tax codes from the default address on the customer. If we select an address on the address tab - would that be the information then that pulls over to the project invoice?


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