
How to schedule the IAL to run annually?

  • 3 August 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +4

Hi all, 

I need to schedule an IAL to run once a year on the 1st OCT.  Is this possible in APP10?

Many thanks,



Best answer by Tomas Ruderfelt 3 August 2023, 15:27

View original

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +10



First define the IAL object using the below window.

After that, using IAL configuration window you can define the schedule to execute.

Best Regards,

Badge +4

@Thirunavukkarasu Kapilan


Thank you for your reply. I need the IAL to run on the 1st OCT every year. So, if I were to place the scheduled date to 01/10/2023 (uk = dd/mm/yyyy), will the IAL run every year on the 1st OCT or just the once?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Here is an example how to add a condition to run at October 1st. at 03:00:00 AM every year:



Use the option “Custom” to be able to input your custom expression.


Syntax details can be found here in Oracle documentation if you are interested:

Badge +4

@Thirunavukkarasu Kapilan


Perfect. Thank you for your help.
