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Crystal Report IFS V9 return white page



I created several quick report from crystal report from personal views. All is ok in Crystal.

In IFS I have no data on the reports. I done grant acces to IFSPRINT and IFSSYS on all views, but I have the same issue.

I found the problem, should come from the user control :

For exemple :

person_id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM customer_info_contact_public ) AND person_id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM supplier_info_contact_public )

If I use the _TABs, I have data, but it's not a good solution, because sometime I have to use IFS view and it's not very clean.

I granted all acceses to sociéties and sites to IFSPRINT.
Always the same issue.

How could I resolved this problem, I can’t add WEB_UTIL_API, I have an error when I try.

I don't know what I can more test.

If anyone could help me, that’ll be very fine.

Thanks in advance


  • Superhero
  • July 13, 2020

Hi Olivier,

There are actually few things to be noted when developing crystal quick reports.
Please have a look at the link below to check if it's developed accordingly.

Using Crystal Reports as Quick Reports

Cheers !


Hello Dhananjaya,

Thank you.

I checked all points and I think that the report is good. I have not technical error.

I think that the rights for IFSPRINT is not good in human ressources. All acces where there is a control I have white page in the report.
I don't know how to do to give all acces to IFSPRINT (Projects, Invoices, cost....). I already gived him all acces to companeies and sites, but it's always the same result.


If I use a IFS view without control like (person_id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM customer_info_contact_public ) AND person_id NOT IN (SELECT person_id FROM supplier_info_contact_public ) the report is ok.




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