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Hi all,

When I need information about the content in the attribute strings, I look in the debugger.

But where do I find the information, when the call does not show up in the debugger. Like this one?


Have you used PL/SQL software? There you can browse all database objects and view documentation and code for each API and so on. It’s Oracle standard.

I could provide more information and examples if needed.


If your requirement is to check the attribute string values, when the call does not show in the debugger, you may have to add traces to the database level. For this, you can use TRACE_SYS.MESSAGE function and the output will be added to the trace tab of the debugger.

I recently had to use this:
archive_api.New_Client_Report(result_key_ OUT NUMBER,
                            report_attr_       IN VARCHAR2,
                            parameter_attr_    IN VARCHAR2,
                            distribution_list_ IN VARCHAR2,
                            print_attr_        IN VARCHAR2)

That seemed easy enough, except that I could not find any information about, e.g. report_attr_. I had to read the code to figure out that it most contain 'printer_id'.

Is there not any written documentation or function call I can do. Like:

get_attr_info('archive_api.New_Client_Report', 'report_attr_') 


@Hans Andersen - Could you please let us know whether you have an attribute string with you or are you gonna create attribute string to insert to the function? I’ m little bit confused. Could you be more specific?

@Avindu Hendawitharana of course.

I know I have to use archive_api.New_Client_Report, but I do not have any attribute strings. It comes from this discussion.

@dsj tells me the what to do, but not what to put in the attribute strings.

I hope I made it clearer?

@Hans Andersen  - Have you checked in the ifs documentation?  Use internet explorer and enter the below URL and chose the application version you want the details.

After that in the search enter the relevant API. It will output the relevant methods and you can get an idea from there. See the screenshot below.



Hope this would do your job

@Avindu Hendawitharana of course.

I know I have to use archive_api.New_Client_Report, but I do not have any attribute strings. It comes from this discussion.

@dsj tells me the what to do, but not what to put in the attribute strings.

I hope I made it clearer?

@Hans Andersen what to put comes with a beer :sunglasses: .

As I aware there’s no such a method to get which values to put in attr and I’m so delighted if someone has an answer for that.

But as I see your main question is how to find attributes when the call is not visible in Debug Console.

Answer is, actually the call is there in the console but finding it is bit tricky since this scenario occurs when the call is a Server invoke instead of direct PLSQL.

Here’s how I find what parameters to add for Archive_api.New_Client_Report


  • Order the report with debug console ON with framework mode and check the call sequence
  • find the NewClientReport Server Invoke
NewClientReport Server Invoke
  •  Go to the Server Trace tab. here you will see the calls made by the server invoke.


Hope you find it useful.


@Avindu Hendawitharana @dsj 

Thanks... Someday, someone is going to get drunk.
