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Hi all,

Do you have an idea why Exists() doesn’t work here? It seems to only work in an IF condition.

Kind regards,

@haritha.waidyaratne What is the result produced by the method call?

I suspect it might trigger a "Too Many Rows" exception rather than returning a value of True or False. Please check !

Hi Buddhika,

Sure will check it in detail and get back to you.

Thanks many for the suggestion.

Kind regards,

Hi @haritha.waidyaratne 

Oracle doesn’t have the support for BOOLEAN in comparison rules. Exists returns a Boolean and therefore you cannot use it in a condition expression.

Check here for more details


Hope it helps.


Hi,If you explain in detail the query you want to make, I can help you in a different format.

Hi Alpenen,

Thanks for offering to help. I have already accomplished the task. My question was why Exists() doesn’t work as expected.

Kind regards,
