Hi All - please can someone help me with my self service\my personal information in Cloud 23R2.
I have a dummy user/person/employee called director.
This user has valid personal data (private contact information in this example - but there is also work contact info, related persons and documents)

They also have a valid assignment with an access role assigned

access role is configured as below

The company property fields include a valid YES record for the “SELFACCESS - Allow Access to Myself” property

When logged on as this user, it is possible to create an absence request, my employment information screen, and my calendar works ok too.

BUT - it is not possible to view the data in my personal information screen (nor the my personal information change screen)

Please can someone help me to identify what is going wrong here?
Edit - if I grant the director user HR Application Manager Access, the my personal information screen populates as expected.
Many thanks in advance