Recording a deviation day type enables a flexible, day-specific response to time bookings that take place outside the regular work schedule. This can be largely automated via the shift change or by assigning a deviation day type.
Especially with regard to the planning of day types via the team calendar, the responsible planner can be given a high level of planning responsibility by entering the deviation day type.
When entering the deviation day type, however, additions must be made so that it can be used more effectively.
Availability of a Periode
It must be possible to define a period, better than just one day

This means that deviation days can be recorded for a day or for a period. A parameter prevents the recording of data for longer than one week, for example.
Availability of Data Access
As a rule, all tag types are offered for selection. However, this is not useful as only limited availability is required for the team leader.
As with data access for absences, there should be a data access element for day types.

This means that the team leader can only select the day types that have been released for him.
This functionality must of course be available wherever different day types are recorded.
Ideally, the recording of day types is mapped via an assistant.