Hello community,
I have a question about inventory valuation method of Weighted Average, in IFS when we receipt 3 stock in inventory with 3 different price in different dates like :
First receipt in 6/12 : 1 qty 100 $
Second receipt in 6/13 : 1 qty 150 $
Third receipt 6/14 : 1 qty 200 $
After creating 3 receipts of inventory we want to issue 1 qty stock from inventory in creation date of 6/16 but then change the applied date to 6/13.
When we issue the stock the part cost in 6/16 is 150, but I want when I modify the date applied to 6/13 the part unit cost of issued stock become 125 $ = (100+150)/2 .
Is there any feature in IFS to update Weighted Average unit cost after changing applied date?