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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a project where I need to extract General Ledgers (GL) expense reports or data, sorted explicitly by vendor. My goal is to analyze our company's spending patterns with different vendors over a specified period. I'm seeking advice on the best way to do that. 

Has anyone here tackled a similar challenge? If so, could you share your approach, including any specific tools or methodologies you found effective? Additionally, if there are any tutorials or resources you'd recommend that cover this process, I'd greatly appreciate the guidance.

I am using IFS 10.



Hi @areian 

Did you try the options in order report? you would see plenty of options for supplier analysis and also you can make use of the accounts payable lobby 

There is also the option to analyse by the content of the window AP-Invoices Analysis or by the window Invoiced Purchase Orders

Hi Ali,

I recommend - as always 🙂 - the “ETL - way”.
Bring data every night from ORACLE to a MS SQL DWH (DataWareHouse) - DB and than do with your data what you want.
We created a complete purchase solution as follows:
-- FACT_PurchaseOrderInvoice            PIL
-- FACT_PurchaseOrderLines               POL
-- FACT_PurchaseOrderChargeLines  POC
-- FACT_PurchaseInvoiceLines            MAN
The “Alias” is also used as “FactSource”.
So you can see your data “combined” or “solo” from one “data layer”.

We used as a main dimension the Supplier and there the following “objects”:

So in the MS OLAP cube (which you can use with a lot of front end tools) you can e.g. see
the following attributes and hierarchies:


Here you can see some of the used measures:

Because MS cubes are a common standard you can decide which tool is the best for you.
Excel pivot, PowerBi, .. you name it.

If you want more information just contact me any time.

All the best




