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I would like to know how to create a direct connection between the dimension of the account groups and the dimension of a supplier purchase part. I would also like to create another direct connection between the account groups and a sales part.

Can you help me?

Thank you very much.

Kind Regards.

What do you mean by direct connection? What are you trying to accomplish?

Hi spetkus27,

I want to create a field that connects the account group dimension to both a sales part and a supllier for purchase part.

Do I understand?

Best regards

If you want to show the account group (from Inv Part) on both of those then you can just use a custom field that pulls the value from the inv part. If I understand correctly.

I think that you have to look into the posting rules that combines sales part group and various control types. An example is posting type M24 in connection with control type C15.

