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combine multiple material requisition into one purchase requisiton



as far as i know in IFS ERP, relation between material requisition and purchase requisition is one to one, i mean we can create a Purchase requisition based on one material requisition and “Order For” Field in Purchase requisition shows relation Between Purchase requisition and material requisition.

my question is, is There any way to Create a purchase Requisition From multiple Material Requisition?(Grouping Multiple Material Requisition into One Purchase Requisition)

2 replies

Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • January 17, 2024

@mohammad.bohlouli67 afaik this is not possible. Each maintenance material req will have it’s own purchase req. However, it is possible in the end to group multiple Purchase Reqs in the same Purchase Order.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 9 replies
  • January 17, 2024

Hi Mohammad,

I’m not an expert in this area but I was involved in a training session with one of the KU’s in my team who had the similar requirement as you have outlined above. I believe that it is possible but you will need to change a setting on the inventory part in question in the system, see screen shot below.

Maybe this will drive some further input from users who are more familiar with procurement and or inventory management. This screen shot is in the Apps 9 version of the system. You may have to re-run PMRP for the req’s to be merged. There may be further settings associated with this change but I’m not certain on those. Again specialists with better system knowledge than mine would be better able to advise. 




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