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Hello guys, 

i try set application server to send quickreport. My settings are standard.


Execute As: system

Locale: english

quickreport without parametrs

email, email subject, email body sets normal and name of document is soubor.xlsx


In Schedule i fill in Application_message id and One_time_task like FALSE 

and i getting this error 

application server Entity instance not found. (QUICK_REPORT - QUICK_REPORT_ID=128961.0)

or this



Does anyone know where is the problem? Thanks you guys. 




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Oracle hatalarını kontrol ettiğimde şu mesajı buldum: 'Web Kullanıcısı/Dizin Kimliğinden FndUser'ı al, lisansı kontrol et ve yeni kullanıcı varsa oturum özelliklerini başlat'.

Good morning, thank you for the advice, but unfortunately this is set up well. Second error what i get from application serve is 


Insufficient privileges to export the quick report to Excel. 
Caused by: ifs.fnd.base.SystemException: Insufficient privileges to export the quick report to Excel.
