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Hi All.

Is there a way to set up work task step mandatory in mobile MWO Maintenance 10?

The idea is to force the user to set the status of the work task step to done or canceled.

In apps designer is already set required but the user can complete the assignment without change the status.


Tks a lot


This isn’t possible today unfortunately. It would be best to be included in the Workflow Configuration set-up. Could you create an Idea requesting this please?



This isn’t possible today unfortunately. It would be best to be included in the Workflow Configuration set-up. Could you create an Idea requesting this please?



Hi @James Ashmore . Thanks for the info.

I’ll create an idea request.

This is very useful because the backoffice user does not need to send back the work task again to the mobile user if he forgets to change the work task step status in mobile before complete.

Tks a lot



Hello @James Ashmore  and @lopespetro. Curious if an idea request was ever created for the option to make work task steps mandatory in the workflow configuration. If so, what was the response? I believe this is much-needed functionality. Please provide an update

Hello @James Ashmore  and @lopespetro. Curious if an idea request was ever created for the option to make work task steps mandatory in the workflow configuration. If so, what was the response? I believe this is much-needed functionality. Please provide an update

Sorry about the delay @lamaus . The department here changed the process and they didn’t need this functionality, so that I haven’t created it.

But I have created it now and let’s see the IFS feedback.



Thank you @lopespetro . Where can I view what you created so I can follow it?

Thank you @lopespetro . Where can I view what you created so I can follow it?

@lamaus @James Ashmore  Follow the link.


Work task step mandatory option | IFS Community


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