Support required to Schedule quick report sent by email
As per documents i have created o Job which executes properly and send a email to user once after that scheduling is working and generating background jobs properly.
But no email receiving and there is no update in Application message in IFS Application.
Kindly advise
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In your first picture, email address is not a valid email address. Have you tried a valid email address here? What is the APP9 UPD version you are having?
Email is valid just remove before print screen , version (UPD: Core 9)
Can you show us details of the background job as well? Click following link to navigate to there.
Could you follow the following procedure to troubleshoot this issue?
1. Go to "Application Messages" window (Solution Manager\Integration\IFS Connect\Application Messages) and note the maximum "Application Message ID" (if any) for the below search criteria,
2. Go to "New Database Task Schedule" window (Solution Manager\Background Processing\Scheduled Tasks\New Database Task Schedule) and RMB on the header and click "Run".
3. Click on "View background jobs for this Task" and make sure the most recent Job ID is in "Ready" status.
4. Go back to "Application Messages" window and enter the same search let us know if a new "Application Message ID" has been generated as follows ?
Cheers ! Dhananjaya.
Hi Dhlelk
As Guided i have followed the complete process but no new "Application Message ID" has been generated
I'm not really sure why the application message is not getting posted.
Therefore, I suggest you to create a support ticket for this issue. Further, it would be great if you could post what has been wrong and what resolved the issue once the support ticket is completed.
Cheers ! Dhananjaya.
Sometimes strange application message issues get solved if you restart the connect server, try giving that a shot too.
@WSHAH The problem here seems to be that the application server task has gone to “Finished” status after it executed once(according to the first screenshot in your problem description). Once the application server task reaches a state like Finished or Suspended, it won’t execute again. If it is to execute again, it should be in “Waiting” state.
In your Task Schedule, you have set the interval as 5 minutes. Please change this to a higher value like 30 or 60 minutes or give a different plan like “daily” or “custom” and see if you can get it to work. The reason to suggest this is because I have seen this behavior when the interval is too small. And please make sure the Application Server Task is in Waiting status after you have changed the task schedule, and if remains in Finished state, create a new task and a schedule from scratch.
A user had a similar issue and it was resolved by publishing the quick report. You might try that as well.