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Send Email Flag from Sharing a Report in 23R2

  • 2 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello community!


We’ve recently upgrade to IFS Cloud 23R2 from 23R1 and noticing the behavior of emailing from print buttons has changed. Prior to the update, by default the user’s email would be input on the print wizard, now our users have to select the “send email” flag each time they’re printing a report. 

Does anyone know of a way to revert the default behavior back to having the application permit the sending of an email by default? This wouldn’t save a ton of time per transaction, but it would save some time for quite a few transactions. 



1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Hi @leadingzeros,

For that you can use a ‘Report Rule’ to setup an email address automatically.
