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Hi experts,

Could you please let me know if you have managed importing question in the IFS Scope Tool?

Please see my attempt to format the Excel file in screenshots below


update: this format does not error but the question does not reach the front end of the Scope Tool



I am trying to get advice/support from the Scope Tool team at the moment

@eqbstal  did you manage to import questions successfully in the current version of the Scope Tool?

if this message reaches you, could you please share the format of the Excel file?

Many thanks


@MIGDNA As a matter of fact, I was able to. It is some years ago that I wrote the instructions for it, so it might be that, due to the upgrade of ScopeTool, it doesn't work 100%.
Please let the community know in this thread if you had to make any changes to get it to work (along with the ScopeTool version).

@eqbstal Many thanks, great instructions, and they still work. Only comment is that for answers you also have to specify Process ID and Question ID. Below a test file that has found its way in the Scope Tool’s Questions area

