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We running IFS Cloud 22.1.15 in a remote installation on 3 nodes and have a question about taking them offline to patch the Ubuntu servers without any downtime.
We have tried the command > .\main.ps1 -resource 'REMOVENODE' but that ended up in that we wheren't able to get the third server joining the cluster again with the command > .\main.ps1 -resource 'JOINNODE' without reinstalling the whole MT.
I cant find any instructions regarding how to patch Ubuntu in a cluster, do anyone have experiance in that area?
I run some tests yesterday in one of our systems and the cluster was able to handle a restart of one node without disturbance.
But if i turned one node of for aprox 30 minutes and then start it, it didn't work.
I then tried to add the node by JOINNODE, it gives me the error message: Connection failed. The joining node (IP addess) is already known to dqlite (504).
I continued to remove the node with the command REMOVENODE without any errors, the node was still present with the command get node and had the status NotReady.
Then I tried once more to add the node and it seeme to went well without any errors but the pod still have NotReady as status.
I suppose I have to reinstall MT again…

Kind regards

//Leffe Welén

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