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Hi Team,

During delivery deployment of non-GET related code we have received the following error. We have noticed that this error occurring when delivery includes the files of ORDER module

Error message:

               !!!Error deploying file SHPMNT.module at 11-AUG-21 11:55:02

               !!!Error occurred while executing Plsql Block


                  Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Start running Delivery_Note_API.Post_Installation_View at ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));




               ORA-04063: package body "IFSAPP.DELIVERY_NOTE_API" has errors

               ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "IFSAPP.DELIVERY_NOTE_API"

               ORA-06512: at line 3


Do you have any idea to overcome this error?

Best Regards,

Hi @Bhagya Wickramasinghe :


This error occurs when the ORDER component is part of the delivery, but INVOIC is not in the delivery. This issue was introduced from GET bugfix 158663. Deployment issues are in the file DeliveryNote-Ext.plsql.

The issue is in "Delivery_Note_API.Generate_Pt_Tansport_Doc" method


               - In the declare-section of the method the variable "order_rec_" is surrounded by "$IF Component_Order_SYS.INSTALLED $THEN".

               - Further down the line "cus_tax_id_             := order_rec_.tax_id_no;" is surrounded by "$IF Component_Invoic_SYS.INSTALLED $THEN"


If ORDER module is part of the delivery but INVOIC is not in the delivery, the conditional compilation will skip the declaration of the "order_rec_"  variable but the usage will still be present causing this error.


As a solution we need to apply the bug fix 160491 which is in the solution 295998(Deployment issue in file DeliveryNote-Ext.plsql)


Hope this will helps you.


thanks and regards,


Thanks for the information @Thilini Halgaswaththa !