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We are upgrading to Apps9 Upd 17. this installed fine, but then discovered we have to install the CWS. in our setup IFS configured both our Live and Test system to use the same CWS. So to enable us to test Upd 17 I have installed CWS on another server temporarily. I have followed IFS guide to install and configure this and all seams to be setup correctly but when I try to print any Crystal Reports i get the error “No PDF Report returned from Crystal Web Services”

In the CWS logs it is finding the report OK but then it gives the following error:-


“16/09/2020 14:31:304IFSCRWebSetup]-Failed to load database information. Error in File Shipment_Delivery_Note_Ship_RKL 10320_12032_{489216F3-81A6-459B-A4EC-C882B078ADF1}.rpt:
Failed to load database information.   at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.DatabaseControllerClass.SetTableLocation(ISCRTable CurTable, ISCRTable NewTable)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.set_Location(String value)
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetDatabaseLocation(String databaseLocation, Table table) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1409
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetTableLocation(Table crTable, String UserId, String AppOwner, String IALOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1381
   at Ifs_ReportService.LoadInfoServiceReport(String path, String DBUser, String DBPassword, String DBServerName, String AppOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1204”


Has anyone had the same issue or know what might be causing this please?




My guess would be permission issues as you’re using an RPT file which the web service can find… have you tried running the report as IFSPRINT within crystal reports to make sure there isn’t a view or API not yet granted?

@richardwoods thanks for your reply.

I don’t think its a permission issue as these reports worked fine before the update 17 install, the only thing I’ve done with them is to copy the report directory to the new directory on the temporary CWS server. I will check the permissions of the reports anyway.



Hi Mick,

I ran into a similar issue and re-installing CWS fixed the issue:

If you have exhausted all your troubleshooting options, re-installation is worth a try, considering there are lot of pieces involved in CWS setup.

Good luck!

Srikanth, Thanks for your reply, I will attempt a re install today to see if this solves the issue. 


One other thing do you know if we need to install the print agent on the temporary server also?


When I Test settings in IIS I get the following error, even though the path is valid and the location is correct, have you see this before?





Yes, I have seen this error before and it usually goes away if you Connect as a specific user. I doubt this has any bearing on the issue you are facing. 

OK tried a reinstall and now it is saying it’s not configured correctly, although followed the instructions word for word… so back to square one now.


Will keep looking.




Are you starting with a fresh server? Do you know if the Crystal runtime version changed with the update?

Are you starting with a fresh server? Do you know if the Crystal runtime version changed with the update?

Hi Kevin,

Yes it’s a new server ( well an existing server that already had IIS installed ) on the production server it is running IIS 8.5 and CWS, I’m not sure where to find the version? The installer files are the same version ( 13_0_20 ) but I’m not sure of the actual version, there must be a difference as I need to install it after the Update to Upd 17…. also there is the Print Agent, will this need to be installed also?


