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Dear IFS Experts,

May I know where can I get the list of screens (clear text) from IEE? Please refer the image and the text typed manually here. Is there a table/view where these details available that can be copied and pasted into a text editor that can be further processed ?



Clear text/list of screens

General Ledger
Voucher Entry
Approve Vouchers
Update GL Vouchers
GL Balance Analysis
GL Voucher Rows Analysis
GL Voucher Details Analysis
GL Analysis
GL Structure Balance Analysis
GL Committed Cost Balance Analysis
GL Vouchers Analysis
GL Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis
GL Update History
GL Reports
Accounting Journal
Tax Reconciliation
Account Matching
Archive Voucher
Basic Data



with best regards,


Hi Isvarya,


It is not possible to extract all the navigator information to a text file from the IFS IEE client. However, you can copy each navigator entry using the Edit/Rename option available in the navigator instead of manually typing each of them.

The navigator entries are stored in a compressed XML (xml.gz) file in the client folder on the MWS installation.
If you have access to the Middleware server installation location, you can find the navigator.xml.gz file and you can access the navigator.xml file by uncompressing it using a tool like 7 Zip.
After uncompressing the above, you can open the navigator.xml using Excel to get the complete list of navigator items in text format.

The following community post would be helpful for you to get more information.



Hi @TecIsvaBo ,


We use IFS Application 10 Update 8 and I’ve attached a spreadsheet with the navigator.xml import we utilize.



William Klotz

Hi @TecIsvaBo ,

There is no direct way to get a formatted list of navigator screens in IEE.
However, you can try using the navigator.xml file for this. But it won’t be in exact order as you see in IEE navigator.

Using the “navigator.xml” file:

As Jagath also mentioned, IEE client reads its navigator information from a compressed xml file named “navigator.xml.gz”.
You can find this in the application server in path <ifshome>\instance\<instance_name>\client\runtime and in also your local click once cache.
If you don’t have application server access, try following steps to see this file in your local click once cache.

  1. Start IEE
  2. Start task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc 
  3. Now find the started IFS EE client (named like IFS Enterprise Explorer (32bit))
  4. RMB → Open file location
  5. Now find the navigator.xml.gz in the opened folder. 
  6. Extract it using a archive file manager (WinZip, 7-Zip etc.).
  7. Open the extracted “navigator.xml” file. You can use Excel as William mentioned, and then copy the “Name” and “Type” column data into a text editor.


Extract the xml file.

Directly open the navigator.xml file using Excel and it will look something like below:
The screen names are in column “Name” and the screen type (folder/form/dialog box or pop-up/report) is in column “Type”.

I have added an Excel file generated like this from our App10 CORE UPD15 environment as an example in this reply.



The PRES_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_TAB” database table can also be used for this, but it’s not the most convenient method as it will have all the form windows in IFS EE client. 
If you are open to querying a database table, try the following query:

select d.po_id, d.description from PRES_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_TAB d WHERE d.po_id IN (SELECT t.po_id FROM PRES_OBJECT_TAB t where t.pres_object_type = 'WIN');

The window name is represented by the column “po_id” and window title is represented by column “description” in PRES_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_TAB table.
You can export this information to an Excel sheet from the database. But to select the navigator screens you have to tally and see. Note that this list won’t be in order as well.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Thank you :relaxed:. It worked.

Thank you :relaxed:. It worked.

Hi @TecIsvaBo ,

Great to hear! :relaxed:
Kindly mark a best answer for this topic so that it can help another colleague in the future. 

Kind regards,