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Hi All,

I have a requirement which I want to confirm whether or not it can be done using a workflow.
When the user selects a value for Purchase Group based on certain logic the field Supplier should be automatically field.
This needs to happen before clicking the save button

Dananjaya Misso.

I don’t think this is possible. Workflow can capture an incoming odata call and might be able to manipulate it’s response. If that response is consumed by client framework, there’s a possibility to change what client framework displays. IF you can answer these 2 questions as YES, then populating the supplier might be possible.
1. Does the dropdown selection change initiates an OData call?
2. Is the response of above call is consumed by Client framework, specifically to load the supplier dropdown data?

Hi @Buddhi Gunasekara 

Answers to question 1 - Yes
Answer to question 2 - No.

Then I believe this cannot be fulfilled.
