A Cust layer add-on function calls a standard function. The standard function has changed its arguments due to a service update, but it is not detected by Update Analyzer.
Analysis is done for update 22R2SU2 to 22R2SU3.
According to the technical documentation, the following mentioned impacts are not clearly mentioned in the pre-defined list.
Refer to the following table to check the information about changes.
Cust Layer Source | Differences between 22R2 SU2 Core & 22R2 SU3 Core | Is this impact shown in the tool? |
01. UpAnalyzeTest4-Cust.plsql
| module: order LU: CustomerOrderFlow Procedure: Customer_Order_Flow_API.Create_Report_Settings
In this case, a new default parameter is added to the procedure "Create_Report_Settings". | No |
02. UpAnalyzeTest5-Cust.plsql
| module: vim LU: TransferMaintEventUtil Procedure: Transfer_Maint_Event_Util_API.Validate_Work_Order In this case, a new parameter is added to the procedure "Validate_Work_Order" and existing parameters were modified (renamed). Also, code logic was modified in the 22R2 SU3 version. | No |
03. UpAnalyzeTest6-Cust.plsql
| module: order LU: CustomerOrderFlow Procedure: Customer_Order_Flow_API.Create_Report_Settings In this case, the attribute: "line_total_weight" was completely removed with its referenced code lines. Calling "Get_Total_Weight_Volume" method from "Sales_Weight_Volume_Util_API" is added as a new addition to 22R2 SU3 version. | No |
| module: invent LU: Procedure: This is clearly an overtake and it must be detected, and it is working as expected! | Yes |
Product Version: 22R2SU2 to 22R2SU3
Business Impact: More likely to build in bugs when applying RU SU.
- Doesn't scenario 02 deserve "Argument to a stored plsql method is added, removed or modified" because of the different number of arguments?
- When will the interface impact be detectable for the 01, 02 & 03 scenarios?