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IFS Cloud Clone

  • 13 December 2022
  • 14 replies

Hi All,

What are the exact steps to clone a DB in cloud/remote installation?

(Ex: From PROD to MIG)

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi @Darshana Herath 

you have to create an IFS case to do this because you aren’t able.

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

So in IFS Cloud if we want to copy our LIVE/PROD environment to our TEST use-place environment we can not do so - and have to get IFS to do this?

This doesn’t seem right - how can we have a realistic TEST environment? Is it only IFS that can do this - or could a Partner.


Userlevel 1
Badge +4

To confirm, are you cloning cloud to cloud?  Or cloud to on prem?  Cloud to cloud is a ticket and it is very easy.  Takes them about 4-5 days to complete.  Cloud to on prem...that is much, much more difficult.  I can explain what we went through but as far as I’ve been advised, there is no official procedure.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

So in IFS Cloud if we want to copy our LIVE/PROD environment to our TEST use-place environment we can not do so - and have to get IFS to do this?

This doesn’t seem right - how can we have a realistic TEST environment? Is it only IFS that can do this - or could a Partner.


All our environments are in cloud. If we want to create a copy we have to create an IFS case. This is the process I know. Maybe they have other process but I don’t think so.

Userlevel 4
Badge +9


We have our environment IFS Cloud on prem. Do you have any idea about the procedure on prem to on prem?



Userlevel 7
Badge +22


We have our environment IFS Cloud on prem. Do you have any idea about the procedure on prem to on prem?




Hi @gianni.neves 

If it is on prem then you have do it by yourself. Because IFS doesn’t access to your (local) server and make the copy. 

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

For prem to prem - you should be able to do this in house with a good DBA and an IFS admin per your normal cloning / refreshing procedures.


For cloud to on prem refresh you’ll need to:

  1. Define a pathway to receive large file transmissions from the cloud to your on prem environment - this was particularly challenging for us and the cloud team is incredibly unhelpful here.  The FTPS (or SFTP) pathways defined in your COG do not seem to support the transmission from IFS to customer...only customer to IFS.  
  2. Request a backup of the source environment via a ticket for the cloud team.  I would request this with the assistance of a good DBA as the source database will likely need to be split up in a way that your DBA can put back together.  We struggled here as well as instructions that made sense for us were not documented as part of cloud procedures so the cloud team wouldn’t do the split in a way that we could put back together.
  3. Perform some application and middleware configuration after the refresh 


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

FYI, there are a series of tables that you will not want to clone between your PROD and non-PROD environments in order to keep your non-PRODs from connecting with third-party production systems (“Refresh Exclusion Tables”). Below is a list of the these for Cloud 21R2 that I got from IFS. We have used this through several refreshes already. Procedurally, you have to export these before you clone the DB and then import them back after the clone. Re-Quest, our DBA services provider handles all of this for our on-premise install of Cloud. They have also automated this process for our Apps 9 install and are working on this for Cloud.

Refresh Exclusion Tables

  1. brbase_property_tab
  2. common_messages_tab
  3. config_instance_param_tab
  4. config_instance_tab
  5. connect_envelope_tab
  6. connect_print_agent_task_tab
  7. connect_queue_tab
  8. connect_reader_tab
  9. connect_sender_tab
  10. connect_server_tab
  11. connect_simple_routing_tab
  12. connect_transformer_tab
  13. custom_connector_library_tab
  14. custom_reader_param_tab
  15. custom_sender_param_tab
  16. edm_location_tab
  17. edm_location_user_tab
  18. fnd_monitor_category_tab
  19. fnd_monitor_entry_tab
  20. fnd_setting_tab
  21. media_archive_tab
  22. plsqlap_environment_tab
  23. remote_assist_group_user_tab
  24. remote_assistance_customer_tab
  25. remote_assistance_group_tab
  26. remote_assistance_user_ab
  27. report_plugin_settings_tab
  28. routing_address_tab
  29. routing_rule_address_tab
  30. routing_rule_condition_tab
  31. routing_rule_tab
  32. scheduling_config_tab
  33. svcsch_configuration_tab
  34. tm_serve_parameters_tab

Refresh Exclusion Tables for Security

Excluding these additional tables will leave your security ‘as is’ in your cloned environment instead of overwriting it from the source.

  1. fnd_bpa_grant_tab
  2. fnd_grant_role_tab
  3. fnd_proj_action_grant_tab
  4. fnd_proj_ent_action_grant_tab
  5. fnd_proj_entity_grant_tab
  6. fnd_projection_grant_tab
  7. fnd_role_tab
  8. fnd_user_role_tab
  9. ifsiamsys
  10. pres_object_grant_tab
  11. system_privilege_grant_tab
Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hi Darshana,
If you have a IFS Cloud services contract, i.e. everything fully managed by IFS (so, not on premise), you do not have any access to the Oracle database in the Use Place at it is in their private cloud.

If you want for instance PRD envt to be cloned to UAT, at the moment you have to open a “classical” case for that in the customer portal.
Be careful because the time slots IFS provides for those kind of jobs are limited and you have to book your cloning activity I would say at least 2 weeks in advance. I regularly struggle with them to respect the schedule I need.
A dedicated page to ask for that kind of job should be available soon in the Cloud Services tab of the customer portal.

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

One more schema!

FYI, we have found that it works best to ALWAYS export IFSIAMSYS before cloning and import this back afterwards. In other words, would suggest treating the IFSIAMSYS schema as a “refresh exclusion table” and not as a “refresh exclusion table for security” (above).

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Here are a few more tables that I would add to the Refresh Exclusion List

Refresh Exclusion Tables Additions...

  1. ifsiamsys schema - this is mentioned above, needed to retail Azure SSO/environment.
  2. routing_address_runtime_tab
  3.  fnd_branding_tab - this and the next 4 tables including brading, banners, etc. We separated these by environment with separate labels at top so users can tell which one they are in.
  4.  fnd_branding_property_tab
  5.  fnd_branding_resource_tab
  6.  fnd_branding_token_tab
Userlevel 3
Badge +7

What about systems using a PSO Workbench connection? Where are the PSO connection details located in the database?

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

What about systems using a PSO Workbench connection? Where are the PSO connection details located in the database?

It’s stored in 32. scheduling_config_tab above.

Specific settings for the Scheduling Configuration used by Service Management are stored in 33. svcsch_configuration_tab above.

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

We are on IFS managed Cloud and are using the automated cloning options via SNOW.

Has anyone experienced that when taking a clone of PRD, it affects the performance of the source system, in this case PRD?
The Cloning is set to take 10 hours, so for a global company with 24/7 operations, there is never a good time to have something disturb PRD,

Br Hans
