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Simple Integration from IFS Cloud 23.2.10 to an application called Blackline that uses REST APIs.


This is the authentication method using Postman – everything is sent over in the message Body:

This returns a Bearer token.


Then I call an accounts reconciliation endpoint and authenticate using the Bearer token returned above, like so:

The message body contains the accounts information and amounts, like so:

(dummy data)

C0004 9001        AT020 1102  BK    12111                   BKD - Cash - Group      Cash  A     Asset TRUE  TRUE  GBP   USD      06/30/2018  10000.00    12000.00    11000.00


I believe I should be able to create a Routing Address like this:

Link this to a Routing Rule and then create a procedure in a package (using Dev Studio) that uses the PLSQL_REST_SENDER_API.Call_Rest_Endpoint method to create the PUT message, construct the message body with accounts data (from a SQL statement) and then send to IFS CONNECT to be picked up by the routing address/rule above.


This routine will need to be scheduled to run once or more times per day with the facility to be triggered manually by a user if needed – which I would normally setup as a Scheduled Task in IFS.


I am not expecting a finished product but hopefully someone may have some time for some pointers or a similar example they can share 😊


@pwlm  I think @dsj to the rescue?


Could it be you have to add a property name = ifs.includeClientCredentials?

(All credits to @dsj for this nice blog article)



@kvbe Glad that you found the post so quickly 😁
