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I have simple migration job on customs_statistics_number view. Simply insert and modify three fields of this view.


When I ran the job it inserts all fields to table successfully.


However when existing row is updated, the migration job do not update Description field. This seems very weird as insert works but update of this particular field does not happens. All other fields are updated without any problems.


Has anyone experience this issue in apps 9 before I raise this as a bug with IFS?



The description update is a lookup to another field, so typically there is no need to migrate it in.  When you save the record, it should do the lookup at that point and populate the description.  I don’t view it as a bug from my experience.

Description field is not lookup field. It is field in the table on custom_statistics_number_tab table.


Insert works fine so update should work. Where are your thinking the lookup is taking place from ?

Sorry, my mistake, I was thinking Inventory Part Description when you mentioned description, I should have read your post closer.  Have you tried the migration just to the custom_statistics_number table?  The object key is defined on that table, so you may only be able to update the description at that table level.


This is my Apps8 Screen for a migration job - I’m not familiar with 9, but is the issue as simple as ensuring you have “I” AND “U” in the Flags column of the Source Mapping tab?

You can control the flags of each of the columns in the  migration job independently (I think!).


To start with I had MIU flag but that did not update Description field. Now changed to IU that still does not update Description field. Like I said Insert is not a problem. Even all custom fields are getting updated without any problem.