Hi All, few questions from a colleague, re Document Macros
I guess you know, there is a standard functionality in “DMS” that allow to fill a Word document automatically with fields in IFS (Macro – VBA).
I’m looking for answers about those questions and it is not easy to find :
- Are those fields able to come from different Views or is it necessary all fields should come from the same one ?
o Exemple : I have a file in GED with macro, connected to the View "Purchase.Order". In the file I would like to get the "Manager" field coming from the LU Project. Do I need to add a customfield read only to bring the manager in the View "Purchase.Order" ? - Can we put a value in the Word document, depending on condition ?
o Exemple : If a field in IFS is “YES” then the Macro populate a field in a certain value in the Word document. If “NO” then the Macro populate the same field with an other value ?
The answer should be somewhere in the screen “Macro basic” but it’s too technical for me.
Thank you,