There are 3 types of views in IFS Application
Usually, the base view is the view that fetches all the columns. If we have a table ABC_TAB, then the base view will be ABC. The base view doesn't have any conditions it is just select data from the table.
These views are connected to reports in the IFS Application. Any view created using a table or joining table and views with the name like _REP will be a report type of view.
Views created by adding new columns, conditions or joining multiple tables/views will put into this category. Custom field views _CVFand other views ending with _UIV, _PUB, _BI, _LOV, _LIST, etc; will be considered as an alternative view. Becuase these views are usually created to achieving specific functionalities.
UIV views are special user interface views which are created for pages where the usual view can’t be used.
When a view is enabled for custom fields/attributes, a new view is created with _CFV (Custom Fields Views).
So if you enable a _UIV view for Custom, the resulting view will be suffixed with both hence the _UIV_CFV