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Hi all,

In IFS Cloud, it is possible to view all the NCR (Non-Conformance Report) information for end users without granting them access to all sites and companies by using specific configuration settings and  roles or any other options available ?

Kindly let me know the solution.

Immediate response is highly appreciated.



@shva NCRs and CAPAs are company/site related, so if you want a user to see NCRs & CAPAs for more that one site/company, you would ned to grant access to that company/site. There’s no setup to circumvent that.

@shva NCRs and CAPAs are company/site related, so if you want a user to see NCRs & CAPAs for more that one site/company, you would ned to grant access to that company/site. There’s no setup to circumvent that.

Hello Marcel,

So if a global company is using IFS 
and the company policy is that all NCRs & CAPAs shall be accessible across all companies and sites,
then all the users will gain access to see everything globally
in the same way they can see for their default company/site,
just to be able to see all NCRs/CAPAs?


Are there anyone from IFS RnD who knows if this discrepany has been adressed and are due to be improved in an upcoming RU?

Br Hans

@IWAHANS  normal users should have access only for their site/company and open the NCR and link to different Business Objects (Customer Orders / Shop Orders). And then someone from Global Quality dept will see the NCR and follow up with the responsible local dept until a resolution/corrective action is found. 

Global Quality dept should have access to all companies/sites in oprder to manage this process.

But I do agree, it would be usefull if there were more option to control access to data besides Site/Company access.
