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I have had a request by IFS Support about a new supplier payment format for SEB Bank.

I was told that I could use any of the system defined payment formats and customize it, if the system defined payment format does not match according to their requirement.

I have tried to copy a format and change it, but I did not get all the way.


Does anyone have information they can share on setting up a new payment format with an outgoing File Template. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks and Regards

Ole Aarøe


Hi Ole,

I assume you are dealing with SEB Sweden. Talk to your corporate bank representative and tell them you are willing to use ISO20022 payment for credit transfer instructions. It is already available in IFS standard solution (IFS APP10 and IFS App 9). I cannot imagine a reason for not accepting it by the bank. 

Best Regards



Hi Eranda,

Thank you for your reply, we need it for our companies in Singapore, US and Denmark. We will ask SEB. 

I can see that there is ISO20022_CH file format for Employee Payments is this the “same” format as the bank format?

It will be a great help if we can use these two formats. 


Thanks and Regards,




Hi Ole,

In IFS employee payment formats and supplier payment formats are defined separately. If you go to Payment Formats per company window, you can see a payment format "ISO20022", you can use it for supplier credit transfer. This is a common format supported by most of the clearly channels such as SWIFT. I know SEB supports for this format and it won't be a problem for asia and US. 

ISO20022 CH is a SWITZERLAND version and it will not work for other countries. Please select the Core layout.

Best Regards 


Hi Eranda,

I’m aware about the difference employee payment formats and Supplier payments format. 

I had overlookeded that there was a core 20022 format for employee payments, too. 

I will now setup these formats for our Singapore Company and make a test.

Thanks again, your help is very appreciated. 


Best Regards,






Hi Eranda,

I have tried to made the setup for supplier payments using 20022 core format. When I create the Payment Order I get following error message: 

“Cash account SEBSGD is not available in Payment Institute SEB20022.” 

Have you have hint to what is missing in my setup?

Thanks and Regards,


Hi Ole,

It looks you have not connected your cash account to the payment institute. 

Make sure to follow the below order.

  1. Go to Payment Formats per company window and enable the ISO 20022 payment format for your company.
  2. Go to Payment methods window and define the payment method.
  3. Go to payment institute window and select your payment institute. RMB - Payment Methods per institute. Add the newly defined payment method and use RMB - Format specific info per institute to configure the payment format 
  4. Make sure you have a valid cash account connected to the above Payment institute.
  5. When you create the payment order, you have to select the cash account which is connected to the payment institute above.

Hope this helps.



Hi Eranda,

Yes, it was number 4 that was wrong in my case.  

Thank you so much for your help. 

Best Regards,
