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Corrective Invoice for Service Orders

  • December 19, 2019
  • 3 replies



Need help in creating corrective invoice for orders with Order Type “SEO”. System doesn’t allow creation of RMA for Service Orders.

Is there any way to change the lines/ prices for customer invoices with status “Invoiced/Closed”?

Superhero (Customer)
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • December 19, 2019

RMB in “Customer Invoice” to “Correction Invoices” or “Credit Invoice”? 

I think Credit Invoice credits the entire invoice and Correction creates an invoice with all lines on that you can then make changes to.  

We don’t use SEO invoices but I assume (dangerous!) Credit or Correction invoices works regardless.



  • Superhero (Employee)
  • December 27, 2019

No, you cannot change the lines/ prices for customer invoices with status “Invoiced/Closed”.  You can only change customer invoices in a ‘Preliminary’ status.  

It is true you cannot process a RMA for a customer order line with the supply code of ‘Service Order’.   Customer Orders with supply code "Service Order" (Work Order Related) are only used for invoicing purposes and there is not any physical issue of materials involved (No inventory transaction is created during execution of the delivery step).  As a result, a user should not be allowed to receive or scrap material against such a CO line.

To credit or correct an invoiced/closed customer order invoice, you need to create a credit invoice or corrective invoice.  Correction and credit invoices are much alike. Both are used to rectify errors made through debit invoices but it is a legal requirement in some countries to create a correction invoice to rectify errors. The difference is that when created, corrective invoices will contain two lines (credit and debit) while credit invoices will contain only a single credit line.

Navigate to your customer invoice and RMB in the header to Create Credit Invoice or Correction Invoices. 


  • Do Gooder
  • January 23, 2020

Thanks! I was able to create “Credit Invoice” from Invoice Preview window that comes after “Report In” of work order. This creates a new order with negative lines, which when “Invoiced/Closed” negates the original invoice.

But, doing this I’m unable to find the reference at “Customer Invoice” level - which is required for reporting purposes (I’ve to exclude the Service Orders that nullify each other.)

Is there any option where I could find the link?


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