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BACS Payment Integration

  • 23 July 2020
  • 2 replies


IFS currently produces a payment file onto a Windows server which then passes through a 3rd party application called Bottomline PTX to get to the bank.

We are being asked to look into direct integration to the bank that removes the file being placed on a windows server and 3rd party product. 

The UK bank we use is HSBC and they suggested using their HSBC Connect offering. 

I believe IFS Connect may be able to perform this, but we have no knowledge on this area or integrating with banks. 

Currently we are using IFS Apps 8.

Does anyone have experience of this and can provide some guidance and advise?

Thanks in advance



2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +11

Hi Shaun,

There are mainly two challenges.

  1.  IFS standard BACS output is a data set which is not formatted as per the BACS required standard. So, you cannot directly send the information to the bank without formatting it as per the HSBC standard. Have you done any customization from IFS side for standard BACS format?
  2.  Integration method?  Did HSBC confirm they are capable of accepting text file based input for HSBC connect. I know that they are accepting XML input. But, not sure about the text fie input as an integration. If they accept the text file, you have to ask their preferred technology (integration mechanism).

It is worth to know that you can deal with HSBC via ISO20022 based XML file for BACS clearings.

If you need more details, please send me a private message or you can reach me via 

Best Regards


Userlevel 2
Badge +7


I am working on the same thing. Did you find any information on this.

I am currently being told by HSBC that I need a SUN  in the XML File.

Example XML from HSBC:

<Id>123456</Id> This is the SUN

I think this value is coming from here:

It does not seem clear what fields need to be entered in IFS and where they end up in the XML File. 


