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PSO Filter needs to be removed/updated

  • 23 May 2024
  • 3 replies

We have the problem at PSO 6.11.011 (it is fixed in later version), where columns was merged together.
Previously we solved it by delete the account and create it again - exactly with same credentials. Has done it for 2-3 dispatchers several times.

For one of the users, we used the same solution. But as he was the owner of the Filters, he is no longer able to delete old created filters.

Can anybody advise what can be done to solve this problem? Can we delete this filter or change the owner of the filter from database? or from the application itself?

Please note that I can not find the table which contains this filter details. Can somebody guide here?

3 replies

Badge +3

more info to the question.

How do you handle PSO account there has left your company?

If you delete their account and they are the owners of some public filters, would they stay there forever without any possibilities to change criteria or delete filters. How is that issue handled?

Userlevel 4
Badge +12


If this has been fixed in a later version, then we would recommend upgrading. If the problem still persists, please raise a support case for us to investigate further.

It should be safe to delete a user and any shared entities (i.e. filters) should remain, but if you see a problem where this is not the case, please raise a support case for us to investigate.

Any questions let me know,


Badge +3

Hi @kai.parker 

If this is fixed in a later version, how to handle the shared/public filter and owner account is Deleted. Just to be upfront, when we have that version.
