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I want to generate a report that retrieves data from a table I created using the Custom Metadata screen. Is this possible in FSM? 

Dear jolson, 

In case the table that you created is also in the database → its possible. You can select every data from the database and show them via report. 

You can reach out to me in case you have further questions. 


Best regards





to add to Jacqui’s information, which is of course accurate; 


for reports generated through any report-building application that connects to the Database directly;  you can select any/all tables, including custom-built, and report out accordingly. 


for FSM itself, including its ad-hoc reporting functionality: 

  • Create the Custom table in the DB 
  • Create the Custom Metadata in FSM for your Custom Table (incl. all columns) 
    • this makes the table part of the FSM application, think: UI Designer, Business Rules, Mapping, Reports, Etc. 
  • for ad-hoc reporting within FSM, you can add custom_tables to your existing (or new) categories.

Sample below: IN FSM: 


the Ad Hoc report screen: 



Hope this helped. 



