There is a need to have a simplified and more automated way to set up Travel Request Configuration to add an approval step performed by the Project Manager when the Travel Request is connected to a Project Activity.
In current version (24R1), the approval by Project Manager can technically be covered by setting up the “Detail Approval”

There you have to indicate manually, for each Project Activity, the individual Person which is the Project Manager who should approve.
Now imagine a customer with 300 ongoing projects and each project has an average of 20 activities.
This is 300 x 20 = 6 000 lines to create in the first place and to maintain (updates to make if a Project Manager is changing on a Project).
This is not a workable solution on a day-to-day basis.
The idea is to have an additional setup option “when Travel Request connected to a Project Activity” and list of value:
- Not required
- Project Manager
- Sub-project Manager
- Activity Responsible
This data is available under the Project Management module and can be automatically retrieved with the Project Activity code connected on the Travel Request.

And to be able to activate the trigger of this approval request at any point, ie:
- As a first approval step. Scenario could be that the customer would seek only the approval of the Project Manager for a Travel Request connected to a Project
- As an amount based approval step. Scenario could be that the customer would seek only the approval of the Project Manager for a Travel Request connected to a Project when amount is greater than a specified value
- As a detail approval step. Scenario could be that the customer would seek first the line manager approval (first approval step) and secondly the approval of the Project Manager for a Travel Request connected to a Project (detail approval step)
For reference, this is a requirement from customer Roke Manor