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Supplier Payment in Advance


Is there a way to make a Supplier Payment in Advance of the goods being received and which can subsequently be matched to the invoice when the goods are receipted?  There are very limited instances where this is required to be done, nevertheless it would be useful to know if there is a way it can be done in IFS to mitigate the manual monitoring required to confirm the goods have been received after payment.


Many thanks in advance.

7 replies

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • June 4, 2020

Review the Payment Schedule function within the Procurement Module.  This is a fully functioned process to authorize a down payment, full payment or scheduled payments prior to actual receipt of goods.  It allows processing Supplier Invoices without a receipt match initially, but later after receipt and closure of the PO, it will allow update on a Final processed invoice that will show the three way match after the fact.

There is a good bit of information in the help to guide you at the start.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 11 replies
  • August 19, 2020

I created a Payment Schedule against a PO for 100% payment in advance.  Released the payment schedule.  Entered the manual supplier invoice at 100% and Connected to Payment Schedule.  I can see the invoice on the Payment Schedule.  I then created Mixed Payment with a Payment Transaction Type equal to “Enter Supplier Payment”, selected the Company and invoice number, saved the record.  I then Approved the mixed payment and got the voucher number for the payment.  The Payment Schedule shows the paid Amount. I then Received the PO but since I paid 100% down how to I perform the Match with PO receipt function?  I have tried to enter another invoice with the referenced PO and match PO receipts but this puts another invoice in our AP to pay.  I seem to be stuck on item # 14 on the attached instructions.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • August 19, 2020

You have to create an additional (final) Manual Supplier Invoice that you match with the receipt - just as you say, but WITHOUT the advance invoice check box ticked.  


Here are our instructions for this portion of the process:

A final invoice should be received from the Supplier after shipment and receipt of the goods.  This final invoice must be processed to match the receipt.

  1. Use the Purchase Order as with the previous advance invoices.
  2. DO lookup the receipt reference since the goods have now been received.
  3. Create the invoice as normal utilizing the Invoice number without any suffix as with the Advance Invoices.
  4. Don’t check the Advance Invoice box prior to saving.
  5. Enter the Gross Amount as the total invoice amount for all goods received – this should match the sum of all previous payments and any amount unpaid, if not, the discrepancy will need resolved with the supplier. 
  6. Prior to saving the header, the Posting Information will show the total amount.




  1. If there are any outstanding payments to match, the warning message as with the first payment will appear, if the purchase has been fully paid, this will not appear.
  2. On previous invoices, there are no Cost Postings on the invoices as nothing has been received, however on the final invoice, the Cost Postings will appear once matched to the receipt.
  3. The Posting Proposal will not require authorization because the previous invoices were already matched with the released payment schedule, so the only step required now is generating the Final Invoice Posting as normal.
  4. Once finally posted, the Posting Information will balance to 0.00 and the Voucher information will appear, again something that won’t appear with the earlier advance payments.



  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • October 6, 2020

We have follow these instructions and do not get the expected results. Executing the steps above the Advance Invoice postings do not balance the vouchers in our pre-payment accounts. Is there a step we are missing?

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 104 replies
  • December 7, 2020


I’m trying to use this function as well however I’m stuck on trying to approve the payment schedule for purchase order step.  The PO is released and the payment schedule is released but I can’t approve it.   Documentation shows nothing about this so I don’t know if I’m missing set up data, or why it’s grayed out.  Any ideas?   Thank you

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • December 8, 2020

You shouldn’t need to approve the down payment step, just release it.

You should only have to approve Retention payments if you set them up ahead of time and enter a due date for the retention payment.


  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • December 8, 2020
ghljphillips wrote:

We have follow these instructions and do not get the expected results. Executing the steps above the Advance Invoice postings do not balance the vouchers in our pre-payment accounts. Is there a step we are missing?

Have you started one of these from the beginning and still have problems?  We found that cleaning them up after the fact took a lot of work and manipulation.  The first payments will need the Advance Invoice tick box ticked, the final does not.  At the point of entering the final invoice, everything should already be matched through receipts or advance invoices.  If not, there is something missed along the way.


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