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MRP Action Proposals - Supplier Field blank?

  • September 1, 2020
  • 8 replies

Do Gooder (Customer)

While utilizing the MRP Action Proposals I do not see a Supplier showing up in the the “Supplier” column for many of the different MRP Messages.  For example, I have an Inventory Part with one supplier up on the Supplier for Purchase Part page, and when MRP runs the Action Proposal says “needs orders” but the Supplier doesn’t show up.  If I right click and select the “Follow Up” option the correct Supplier appears in the Purchase Requisition Lines, which is a good thing, but why doesn’t the Supplier automatically show up (as a suggestion) in the Action Proposals page?  

Is there a setting that I may be missing to have the Action Proposal indicate the Primary Supplier from the Supplier for Purchase Part page? 


8 replies

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • September 2, 2020

Only certain MRP Messages will present information in the MRP Source field and beyond - this is because it is information that is in progress, rather than future information or actions required.  The MRP Action Proposals isn’t a place to start as a suggestion for what to do, it is a secondary check AFTER you’ve managed the requisition screens.  If you’ve processed all requisitions, you should rarely have a Needs Order message.  That usually means something has blocked the requisition which is why it is a backup check.


MRP Action Proposals - Source columns


  • Hero (Employee)
  • 278 replies
  • September 3, 2020

In MRP Action Proposals window we have messages that are related to “inventory part level” and there are other messages are pointing to a specific order. As Shawn indicates, you get more information for an MRP message that is pointing to a specific order.
Examples of MRP messages that are associated with an order number:

  • Early Order
  • Late Order
  • Remove Order
  • Demand is Past Due
  • Supply is Past Due
  • Plan Supply is Past Due

(Actually above ones are in my eyes probably the most important MRP messages to focus on)

Examples of MRP messages that are related to an Inventory Part

  • Need Orders - you get this message just one time per part even though MRP has created 123 PO Req Lines for your part
  • No Demand Exists - there is no gross requirement whatsover for the part
  • Available Covers - there are open supply order(s) for the part, but onhand qty is greater than total gross requirement and safety stock. Basically MRP is telling you to consider cancelling/reducing supply. Still you get this message just one time per part.

When it comes to your question about missing Supplier information for Need Orders… it is just a decision we taken some years back. We might add it in the future, so thank you very much for the input.

Keep on digging in MRP Action Proposals - understanding MRP and its messages is one of the tools of improving your business.

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 32 replies
  • January 30, 2025

@majose RE: the missing Supplier information, even for ‘Plan Supply is Past Due’ which have requisitions with suppliers assigned, still have not been added at least as far as 24R1. Is there any plan to? It appears we also cannot add a more comprehensive custom ‘Supplier’ field via entity configuration, which makes this more problematic.


My business users are again stymied by an IFS R&D decision. They would like to filter by a given supplier/parts and view ALL types of actions, including ‘Need Orders’. They do not want to review/convert purchase requisitions in a silo without also considering other action proposals for the same part numbers at the same time.


In the same vein of not reviewing things in silos, SAP allowed viewing of exception messages tied to specific supply/demand elements on their MD04 screen (IFS’s IPAP), which was a good solution as well. Hopefully you consider improving this part of the application.

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 32 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Perhaps it could improve somewhat by simply adding OR mrp_source_db_ =’MRPBUY’ to the Get_Vendor_No function within the MRP_PART_ACTION_API?


  • Hero (Employee)
  • 278 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Yeah ​@Rhillson  I was actually looking into this function like 20 minutes ago :-) And yes we can probably get the supplier for more messages if we modify this function. With “all the talk here” you guys have convinced me. At least we should be able to do this in 25R1 release.


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 32 replies
  • January 30, 2025
majose wrote:

Yeah ​@Rhillson  I was actually looking into this function like 20 minutes ago :-) And yes we can probably get the supplier for more messages if we modify this function. With “all the talk here” you guys have convinced me. At least we should be able to do this in 25R1 release.


@majose  Thank you for considering our comments here and look forward to future releases!

  • Hero (Employee)
  • 278 replies
  • February 15, 2025

@Rhillson and others - Now we are showing the Supplier in the upcoming 25R1 release. So now we will show Supplier for all the other MRP messages that didn’t showed Supplier before.



Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 32 replies
  • February 17, 2025

@majose - This looks great, even adds supplier for “Need Orders” messages without an order ref (assume SFPP Primary based on Part/Site?). Perfect for our users.


Internally, our ​@MWitczak was headed down the road of adding a (MOD) field to the fragment using Purchase_Part_Supplier_API.Get_Primary_Supplier_No. Looks like a similar approach here.


Thanks again for working with the community! Always happy to collaborate from our end.



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