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Error while receiving order code 6 PO


User is getting below error while receiving order code 6. Although i checked on supplier material for PO lines and couldnt find any component part is added there. How to resolve this issue



Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • December 5, 2022

@userquery ,

Please check the connected Customer Order Line.

When you use order code 6, then a Customer Order is created automatically when the PO is released.

You need to deliver the Customer Order first, before you can receive the PO.

Hope this helps you,


  • Do Gooder
  • December 5, 2022

Hi Robert,

Is it through quick order handling flow or by changing directly at Customer order screen.



Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • December 5, 2022

Hi @userquery ,

That depend how you delievr your goods, this can also be triggered to a shipment.

If you do not use the Shipment functionality, the it should be possibel to do soe via Quick Order flow.

Currently you have set this the order code 6, Do you know the reason for it? you can also just use Order code 1, than you just get a PO for a Servcie part (non Inventory), this PO you can always set to received.

In case it has been decide to use a Customer Order to deliver the part to the supplier, I hope this has been tested and documented as a work instruction. 

Hope you will be able to figure this out. 

  • Do Gooder
  • December 5, 2022

Hi @EqeRobertK We have set up accordingly in system to use order code 6 for external repair process. Somehow status has been changed to Released otherwise while handing it through quick order flow cust order is in picked status and upon right click we deliver it. We are figuring out how status has been changed to Released & how it can be changed to Deliver now so PO can be receipted.

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • December 5, 2022

Hi @userquery ,

You can check what happend on the Customer order line in the window ‘Customer Order Line History’

A reason of not setting the line to delivered can be that the Order Type of the Customer Order is not correct. Based on the Order Type, the Quick Order Flow handling can be different. See:


Good luck


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