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We had a demand plan server running, but it was generating errors. So I tried to start again by creating a new demand plan server id in the same environment.

I disconnected the first from the host and now am trying to connect the host to the new server id. 

But I get the following error message:

How can I get this to work again?

Hi @12gKoenkS 

Is there a demand plan server installed and running?

Generally you should have a Demand Plan server client installed. Also make sure it is running.When you do the Demand  Plan Sever/Connect Host, relevant server will be shown. Then you can select it and the set up will be completed.

Hi Hashini.

The issue was that we already had a demand plan server running with the host connected. But I created a new server id, disconnected the host from that one and tried to connect the host to the new server.


That is when I get the error message.


Hi @12gKoenkS 


This issue needs to be further investigated. Please dispatch a case to GSD.


That was my first ‘go-to’ place, community my second. :wink:


Hi @12gKoenkS 

Could you please double check whether the server is disconnected from the forecast server ID: 1? Then try to connect the host to forecast server ID 2 again. If you still receive the error, you might need to restart the demand plan server and try again.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Hi Arosha,


How can I check that? We're working in a cloud 21R2 environment and I was hoping I could perform all actions within the aurena client.

This is demand plan server ‘1’:

No host is connected and the server is not running:

Demand plan server ‘2’ is created and that is the one I'm trying to connect to the host:

Thanks for your help.

Hi @12gKoenkS,

After restarting the demand plan server, I hope that the issue is solved.

Thanks & Best Regards,