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Hidden Fields still written to the assyst database


We have a single select field with answers Yes and No, and use visibility expressions to display fields based on the Yes/No selection.  We've found that when (for example) Yes is selected and values are entered for the fields dependent on Yes, if you change your mind and select No, and then enter values for the fields displayed on No, when the form is saved, all the values entered for Yes and No are written to the database. We use powerBI for our reporting and wondered if there was a way to hide these hidden completed fields from the database or if there was a way they do not get written to the database? Below is a snippet from our test database to show an example of this problem. 


2 replies

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 15 replies
  • March 12, 2024

I am not sure there is!

I also use Power BI and I find that if I am reporting on tickets which have been logged using custom fields I have to spend a lot of time extracting the data that I need in Power Query. For example I would duplicate the column in the dataset and then on the new column I extract the data using the header string as a delimiter.

Do Gooder (Employee)
  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 28 replies
  • March 15, 2024


The visibility expression does not affect the values in the hidden fields so it isn’t surprising they get saved with values under the scenario you gave. You may want to add an idea for setting hidden fields to null when saving. (You wouldn’t want to do that when you hide in case it was hidden by mistake so rectifying that would mean you lose those values which be very annoying to the user) There may be reasons for not doing this but I can see what they are.

In the meantime, I suggest in your Power BI report you should apply transformations on those fields and set the shown/hidden fields to null based of the value of the Yes/No field as appropriate.


I hope that helps you.


Paul Cooper

Report Designer



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