I trying to extract the value of a custom field with property type “l: system lookup”.
The lookup_VAL_ID does not seem to match anything in the jptsys_web_lkup_data
Also what is weird is we are on 11.6.3 and table jptsys_web_cust_prop is not supposed to be removed 11.5 but it is there and it is populated with something!!!
here is the SQL that I use to get the “Lookup_val_ID”:
(select max(convert(varchar,jc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID))
from jptsys_web_cust_prop_cont (NOLOCK) jc
left join jptsys_web_cust_prop (NOLOCK) j on jc.jptsys_web_cust_prop_id=j.jptsys_web_cust_prop_id
left join jptsys_web_lkup_data (nolock) drop_dwn_val on drop_dwn_val.jptsys_web_lkup_data_id = jc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID
left join jptsys_web_lkup (NOLOCK) lkup on drop_dwn_val.jptsys_web_lkup_id = lkup.jptsys_web_lkup_id
where i.incident_id=jc.entity_id
and j.jptsys_web_cust_prop_sc='REGION'
) AS "Region / Région",