
Mailimport via ETM

  • 8 August 2023
  • 3 replies


Hi everyone! Maybe you can help a newbie:
When we read mails from a mailbox via ETM to create a ticket from them, the ticket is properly created in Assyst. But the original mail is not deleted in the mailbox. As a result, the same process is created over and over again. Where can I set in the ETM channel that the mail is deleted after successful import? 

Thank you very much!


3 replies

Badge +4

Hello Torsten,


Please see the following wiki page that explain how to move the processed emails to a different folder and delete the original email from the main folder.

Integrations:assystETM 1.6 - Channel Configuration - assyst11-6Wiki (

This sends a copy of the original e-mail to a specified folder and deletes the original e-mail after processing:

copyTo=<folder name>&delete=true



Let us know if this helps

Kind regards


Hi. Thank you so much. But it’s not running yet. 2 Questions:

  1. As shown in the screenshot is it correct? Our Folder is “Inbox/ETM_executed” where Inbox in German is “Posteingang”
  1. What ist about “Move to Folder after Processing”? 


Badge +4

Hello Torsten,

“Move to Folder after Processing” 

Specify the name of a mailbox folder if you want to move a copy of the processed e-mail to a specific folder

As for your advanced setting can you try 



Let us know if this helps

Kind regards
