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Error with communication to assystMessagingSystem

  • 26 February 2024
  • 8 replies

I’m working on the install of the Assyst Web Server and our first setup with the External Message System.  I believe I have everything up an going, but posting this to the community in hopes someone might have an answer.  

Once the log settles down, at the bottom are these errors.  I don’t know if this is some missing configuration OR just something to “ignore”.  

2024-02-26 14:09:27,531 ERROR] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 381) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("read-resource-description") failed - address: (d
    ("subsystem" => "resource-adapters"),
    ("resource-adapter" => "assystMessagingSystem"),
    ("connection-definitions" => "ActiveMQConnectionFactoryPool"),
    ("statistics" => "extended")
]) - failure description: "WFLYCTL0030: No resource definition is registered for address e
    (\"subsystem\" => \"resource-adapters\"),
    (\"resource-adapter\" => \"assystMessagingSystem\"),
    (\"connection-definitions\" => \"ActiveMQConnectionFactoryPool\"),
    (\"statistics\" => \"extended\")
2024-02-26 14:09:27,547 ERROR] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 381) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("read-resource-description") failed - address: (c
    ("subsystem" => "resource-adapters"),
    ("resource-adapter" => "assystMessagingSystem"),
    ("admin-objects" => "ActiveMQQueue.queue_in"),
    ("statistics" => "extended")
]) - failure description: "WFLYCTL0030: No resource definition is registered for address
    (\"subsystem\" => \"resource-adapters\"),
    (\"resource-adapter\" => \"assystMessagingSystem\"),
    (\"admin-objects\" => \"ActiveMQQueue.queue_in\"),
    (\"statistics\" => \"extended\")
2024-02-26 14:09:27,547 ERROR "] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 381) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("read-resource-description") failed - address: (e
    ("subsystem" => "resource-adapters"),
    ("resource-adapter" => "assystMessagingSystem"),
    ("admin-objects" => "ActiveMQQueue.queue_out"),
    ("statistics" => "extended")
]) - failure description: "WFLYCTL0030: No resource definition is registered for address 0
    (\"subsystem\" => \"resource-adapters\"),
    (\"resource-adapter\" => \"assystMessagingSystem\"),
    (\"admin-objects\" => \"ActiveMQQueue.queue_out\"),
    (\"statistics\" => \"extended\")
2024-02-26 14:09:27,547 ERROR &] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 381) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("read-resource-description") failed - address: (3
    ("subsystem" => "resource-adapters"),
    ("resource-adapter" => "assystMessagingSystem"),
    ("statistics" => "extended")
]) - failure description: "WFLYCTL0030: No resource definition is registered for address i
    (\"subsystem\" => \"resource-adapters\"),
    (\"resource-adapter\" => \"assystMessagingSystem\"),
    (\"statistics\" => \"extended\")


These errors indicate that the server is trying to access resources related to the Assyst Messaging System through JBoss AS (WildFly) but is unable to find the necessary definitions or configurations for these resources. This could be due to missing or incorrect configurations in the resource adapters subsystem for ActiveMQ connections in your setup.


I have this exact error on the same version, what is the actual FIX?  I think we all understand the ERROR means something for ActiveMQ connection isn’t configured correctly, if it was there wouldn’t be an ERROR.  So how do we fix this so assyst can talk to it?  If you do not know, then maybe you can provide some places to look and begin troubleshooting?

Hello @mariej 

For those experiencing issues with ActiveMQ connection errors in assyst, the following knowledge base article provides valuable insights into the error:

External Messaging System Errors When Starting assyst Server

This article should help you understand the problem better.

Hi - I’ve been told these can be ignored and I think I recall in that info that this is assyst checking to see whether an “internal” messaging system is being used and as, we are configured to use an External system, these can be ignored.

Perhaps an Incident can be raised to remove these unnecessary entries from the log file? 

Hello @mariej 

For those experiencing issues with ActiveMQ connection errors in assyst, the following knowledge base article provides valuable insights into the error:

External Messaging System Errors When Starting assyst Server

This article should help you understand the problem better.

The link gives me a 403 error.


I am now getting this too.  I cannot ignore the issue because messaging doesn’t work if this is broken so I’m not sure why Steve believes it can be ignored.  the link that shohaib  provided gives me a 403 error so maybe it is only viewable fore internal staff not partners or customers.  It’d be nice if someone would just say where to solve the issue.

I am now getting this too.  I cannot ignore the issue because messaging doesn’t work if this is broken so I’m not sure why Steve believes it can be ignored.  the link that shohaib  provided gives me a 403 error so maybe it is only viewable fore internal staff not partners or customers.  It’d be nice if someone would just say where to solve the issue.

Hi @mariej 

I believe it can be ignored as per the Knowledge Article as its a sequencing thing. The log usually shows that it does actually get deployed a few lines later.

 I do agree that it’s confusing and would be better if the sequencing can be sorted so as not to log these errors

Hi @mariej 

I checked your user account and you should have access to the KBA.
Could you try again in incognito window, and in another browser.. ?
External Messaging system errors when starting assyst Server | IFS Community
Let me know if this still an issue.

Regarding your feedback, “I cannot ignore the issue because messaging doesn’t work if this is broken...”
This need some investigation. Could you please reach out to our support team and log a ticket so we can look into this for you? 
You can  use our Self-Service portal or our Support email

Kind Regards,
