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Hi All ,

What would be for you all if there's a capability of defining  different running number series  for WOs as per below …   


It could be referring to the  site  /  Maint Org  

or as  a combination of above  two  or any other method to define different series for Work order Numbers .

In my thought having this enabled it  would add some flavor to work order processing in real grounds..

not sure if RnD has any other plans on handling this , like to hear what you all think on this 




Hi ismalk,


I have had several customers ask for this. It is not possible to change how the work order numbers are generated. My advice is to hide the work order number field and use a custom field for the way the work orders are generated, then have a couple of custom events. 

  1. to auto number the custom field
  2. custom field in the LOV to look for the custom field when searching for work orders.

I have this same system for creating functional objects.