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Hi community,

I’m looking for the calculation used for Due(%)  field in Maintenance Plan tab for the condition based PM Actions in APP10.

Would it be possible to know the parameters used in calculation including any scenarios involved?



Oshani Walawege.


Hi @Oshani Walawege  - Have you happened to see the below Field Description? 


The Due percentage is calculated based on the dates in the maintenance plan and is there in order to be able to compare lines with different generation types. When a PM Action has at least one finished work order, the Actual Finish date of the latest finished work order is taken as the starting point. When a PM Action has not yet been generated to a work order, the Due Date in the maintenance plan is used. Should the first Due Date be a date before the first line in the plan, the calculation adds either a calendar interval or a condition interval backwards in time and uses that as the starting point for the calculation. A Due percentage of 50% means that it is halfway from when it was last performed to its due date, 100% means that the PM action falls due today.  --------------

Hi @Mayura Wasantha 

Thanks for the reply.

Would it be possible to know which exact dates (Eg: Due Date/ Actual Finish/ Planned Start? ) from the maintenance plan line are taken into account or any equation that is used in the calculation of Due(%) for condition based?


Thanks in Advance.


Could you check whether you have access to?



@Mayura Wasantha I tried, but seems I do not have access to the link.

@Oshani Walawege Here's a quick summary of what I found,

To calculate it, use a linear regression formula to draw a graph with the last five valid measurements and their dates. The graph shows how time and measurement change. Use the graph to estimate the date when the planned value is reached. The graph changes when new measurements are added for the actual value based on the true plan. Hope this would help. .It is only for Accumulated Parameters]



​​​@Oshani Walawege  - I have extracted & pasted below the basic logics from the document. I hope this would help.



Due(%) is updated on the next generatable line (calendar) and next generatable line without a generation value (condition)

Basic logic

Due(%) is based on last performed date if the next planned date a future date

Due(%) is based on interval if the next planned date a past date

50% - halfway from when it was last performed to its due date.

100% - should be on the day when it falls due.

200% - overdue with one interval.

Due(%) is a positive value or set to zero if the calculated value is negative


  1. If not all work tasks from this PM are finished in any one of the work orders

               percent_ := (( ( site_date_ - min_planned_date_ )/interval_ )*100)


  1. If all work tasks from this PM is finished in at least one work order

                     a.       If next planned date > site date (future date)

                          percent_         := (site_date_ - performed_date_)/(planned_date_- performed_date_) * 100

                     b.       If next planned date =< site date (past date or today)

                         percent_         := 100 + (site_date_ - planned_date_)/interval_ *100



If calendar – no of days according to the interval unit (eg. If unit is WEEK interval = 7)

If condition – date difference of the last two planned dates of the maintenance plan

Min_planned_date = planned_date – interval

Performed_date = Last ‘last work task completion date’ of the PM.



Recalculate and update Due(%)


Due(%) is not automatically updated in PMs even though it is dependent on site date. It is required either to regenerate the PM maintenance plan or run the provided batch schedule method,


Remaining to due

Calculating the ‘remaining to due’ reveals how many days are left until the planned date from today (calendar) or the measurement to be recorded to get to the planned value from last measurement(condition).

Calendar –> remaining to due = planned date – site date

Condition –> remaining to due = Planned value – last measurement

Hi @Mayura Wasantha appreciate the detailed explanation provided. Thank you for checking on this and for providing clarifications.


Thank you,

With Regards,

